Current Entity Names and Definitions

1. AbsoluteAgeDetermination= An absolute age assigned to a StratigraphicUnit. (Subtype of AgeDetermination)

2. AgeDetermination= An absolute age or a chronostratigraphic age assigned to a StratigraphicUnit. (Supertype)

3. Author= Name of authors and editors of Publications and name of authors of TaxonNameUse. (Subtype of Person)

4. AuthorPublTax= Associative entity correlating Author with Publication or with TaxonNameUse.

5. Book= A Publication that is a book, thesis or dissertation. (Subtype of Publication)

6. ChronostraticAgeDetermination= A chronostratigraphic age assigned to a StratigraphicUnit.

7. Citation= Associative entity that correlates TaxonNameUse with Publication. Citation may refer to the application of a name to a new or existing taxon, or to the application of a name as a result of a Determination.

8. ClassificationRank= A lookup table of taxonomic ranks applied to TaxonNameUse.

9. CollectingEvent= The act of collecting one or more samples (CollectingUnits) at a particular Locality and Time.

10. CollectingEventTeam= A group of collectors (=Persons) who participated in the CollectingEvent.

11. CollectingMethod= A lookup table of methods used to collect a sample (CollectingUnit), e.g., micofossil bag, bulk sample, individual specimens from in-place sediments, individual specimens from float etc. The table applies to CollUnitMethod.

12. CollectingProject= The project (e.g., PPP, DR, etc.) with which a CollectingEvent is associated.

13. CollectingUnit= A sample resulting from a single CollectingEvent. A CollectingUnit may be one or many specimens. (Supertype)

14. CollectingUnitPrepMethod= The method used to prepare a sample (CollectingUnit).

15. CollEventTeamIll= A photograph of the field team (=Persons) who collected one or more samples (CollectingUnit). (Subtype of Illustration)

16. CollUnitMethod= The method used to collect a sample (CollectingUnit).

17. Determination= An action performed by a determiner (=Person) in which an association is made between a CollectingUnit and a TaxonNameUse.

18. DeterminationStatus= A lookup table of confidence codes assigned to a Determination.

19. ElectronicPublication= A Publication that is an electronic publication. (Subtype of Publication)

20. EnvironmentDescription= The depositional environment interpreted for a group of samples (CollectingEvent).

21. Illustration= Illustrations are associated with morphologic characters, specimens, stratigraphic units, localities, taxonomic concepts, people etc. Illustrations may be from a Publication or authoritative text, of they may be created for the "virtual collection". (Supertype)

22. IllustrationType= A lookup table of types of illustrations (e.g., image, drawing, map, stratigraphic section, diagram etc).

23. JournalArticle= A Publication that is an article in a serial publication. (Subtype of Publication)

24. Keyword= A lookup table of words that describe topics in Publications, to be used singly or in combination.

25. Language= A lookup table of languages in which Publications are written.

26. Locality= The geographic area in which a CollectingEvent occurred.

27. LocalityIllustration= An illustration of a locality (e.g., map or satellite image). (Subtype of Illustration)

28. Lot= A part of a sample (Collecting Unit) that is sorted into taxonomic groups, usually containing many specimens waiting determination. (Subtype of CollectingUnit)

29. LocalitySite= The point on the map where a CollectingEvent occurred.

30. Monograph= A Publication that is a monograph. (Subtype of Publication)

31. MorphCharState= A set of distinct conditions that a character can display.

32. MorphCharStateIllustration= An illustration of a character state (e.g., a photograph or drawing). (Subtype of Illustration)

33. MorphologicCharacters= A morphologic attribute that can be used to distinguish taxa. A unique set of morphologic characters will be assembled for each class level taxon (e.g., Gastropoda, Anthozoa).

34. MorphologicMsrmtType= A lookup table of features on a specimen or specimen component that is measured. A unique set of measurements will be assembled for each class level taxon (=TaxonomicGroup).

35. MorphologicMsrmtTypeIllustration= A diagram or photograph showing the location of a morphologic measurement. (Subtype of Illustration)

36. MorphologicSpecimenMsrmt= A measurement on a specimen.

37. OtherPublication= A Publication that is not a JournalArticle, Monograph, Book, or a part of any one of these (e.g., field guide). (Subtype of Publication)

38. PaleoEnvironment= A lookup table of terms used to describe an environmental regime (e.g. shallow reef, deep reef, lagoon, middle shelf).

39. PartOfPublication= A Publication that is part of another publication. PartOfPublication must also be one of the four mutually exclusive Publication subtypes (JournalArticle, Monograph, Book, OtherPublication). PartOfPublication may also be nonexclusive subtype ElectronicPublication. (Subtype of Publication)

40. Person= A person who authors a Publication, identifies a specimen (=Determiner), collects a specimen, or serves as a repository contact. This is essentially a biography field. (Supertype)

41. PersonIllustration= A photograph of a Person. (Subtype of Illustration)

42. PreparationMethod= A lookup table of standard procedures that are applied to a sample, a specimen or a specimen component (e.g., a particular washing method, thin-sectionning, SEM etc). The table applies to CollectingUnitPrepMethod, SpecimenPrepMethod, and SpecimenComponentPrepMethod.

43. Publication= The source document of a taxon (TaxonNameUse). Publication will usually be a published work, but may be an unpublished authoritative text (e.g., book, journal article, in-house (unpublished) report). (Supertype)

44. PublicationKeyword= Associative entity (or Correlation table) that resolves KeyWord's many-to-many relationship with entity Publication.

45. PublishedIllustration= Illustrations that have been published. (Subtype of Illustration)

46. PublisherBook= Associative entity that resolves PublisherUniversity's many-to-many relationship with entity Book.

47. PublisherMonograph= Associative entity that resolves PublisherUniversity's many-to-many relationship with entity Monograph.

48. PublisherOtherPublication= Associative entity that resolves PublisherUniversity's many-to-many relationship with entity OtherPublication.

49. PublisherUniversity= Name (unabbreviated) of publishing houses, organizations, and universities (tranliterated if names are in Cyrillic) who publish Publications.

50. RepCollUnit= A particular department, division or unit within a Repository.

51. Repository= An educational or research institution or museum that houses biological collections.

52. RepositoryContact= A Person at a Repository responsible for the care of one or more of its collections or units.

53. SpecCompPrepMethod= A method used to prepare a specimen component.

54. Specimen= A single individual or multiple parts of one individual (e.g. a coral colony, the shell of a gastropod, a fish otolith) found within a CollectingUnit.

55. SpecimenComponent= A fragment of a specimen created by a PreparationMethod.

56. SpecimenComponentIllustration= A photograph or diagram illustrating a specimen component. (Subtype of Illustration)

57. SpecimenIllustration= A photograph or drawing illustrating a specimen. (Subtype of Illustration)

58. SpecimenPrepMethod= A method used to prepare a specimen.

59. SpecimenTypeStatus= A lookup table of terms for the status of specimens used to define a species (primary types), or used in a publication but not to define a species (secondary type). Primary types are: holotype, syntype, paratype, neotype, lectotype, paralectotype. Secondary types are: figured, measured, mentioned or voucher.

60. StratigraphicIllustration= A photograph or stratigraphic column illustrating a stratigraphic unit. (Subtype of Illustration)

61. StratigraphicUnit= A geologic horizon in which a CollectingEvent has occurred.

62. TaxonConcept= A set of one or more species level taxa. Ultimately any taxon concept translates into a set of type specimens, as each species level taxon is based on one or more type specimens. Two taxon concepts are distinct if they designate different sets of existing species level taxa. The position or parent of a taxonomic concept does not contribute to its identity.

63. TaxonConceptIllustration= A diagram or drawing illustrating a TaxonConcept (e.g., a cladogram or tree). (Subtype of Illustration)

64. TaxonomicGroup= An informal name that is commonly applied to a TaxonConcept (e.g., bryozoans, ahermatypic corals, hermatypic corals, bivalves, gastropods, ostracodes, fish).

65. TaxonMorphologyUse= The application of MorphologicCharacters to a TaxonName.

66. TaxonName= A name used for a TaxonConcept in a Publication. A name is typically a Latinized scientific name (under a code of taxonomic nomenclature) but may be a name surrogate (e.g., Species A). A TaxonName has an original author that may or may not be the author of the source Publication. A change in the position or rank of the TaxonConcept may require that a different TaxonName may be used for it even though the TaxonConcept itself does not change (e.g., when a species is moved to a different genus).

67. TaxonNameIllustration= A conceptual drawing of a taxon, or a photo of the holotype of a species (if the taxon is a species) or holotype of a type species (if the taxon is a genus). (Subtype of Illustration)

68. TaxonNameUse= Associative entity that correlates TaxonName with TaxonConcept. The TaxonNameUse entity implements a many to many relationship between TaxonName and TaxonConcept. Each TaxonNameUse has an origin in a source Publication. A TaxonName must be applied to at least one TaxonConcept. Subsequently a TaxonName may be applied to a different TaxonConcept in a new TaxonNameUse. Each TaxonConcept must have at least one TaxonName. Only one TaxonName is correct, as determined by rules of nomenclature, for a TaxonConcept at a given time, whether or not the concept is considered valid by a particular person.

69. TaxonRelationship= A single parent-child relationship between two TaxonConcepts indicating that the child is either a member or a synonym of the parent concept. This entity implements a recursive many-to-many relationship (network) among TaxonConcepts.

70. TaxonRelType= A lookup table of taxonomic relationships applied to TaxonRelationship.

71. UnsortedLot= A part of a sample (CollectingUnit) that is not sorted or is roughly sorted, usually containing more than one taxonomic group. (Subtype of CollectingUnit)

Last updated on January 14, 1997-afb&jg.