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Stephanocoenia intersepta (Lamarck, 1816).

To return to genus description click on image.

CC species number = 2

Photograph: (Foster, 1987. pl.1, fig.1) Scale bar is 1 mm. Image is SUI 51065 (Locality near Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Recent)

Synonyms: Stephanocoenia michelini Milne Edwards and Haime of Geister, 1975, and of Wells and Lang (1973).

Morphologic Description:

Colony Form: subcerioid
Colony Shape: massive
Budding Type: extramural
Corallite Diameter: greater than 2.0 mm (*)
Calice Relief: shallow (*)
Calice Shape: mostly circular (*)
Calice Platform Shape: v-shaped (*)
Coenosteum Width: 0.8 mm (*)
Septa Per Corallite: 24
Lobes: prominent pali (*)
Columella Structure: styliform
Columella Width: thick
Wall Structure: septothecal
Wall Characteristics: thick
<----table test----->
Morphologic Description
Character State
Colony Form subcerioid
Colony Shape massive
Budding Type extramural
Corallite Diameter greater than 2.0 mm(*)
Calice Relief shallow(*)
Calice Shape mostly circular(*)
Calice Platform Shape v-shaped(*)
Coenosteum Width 0.8 mm(*)
Septa Per Corallite 24
Lobes prominent pali(*)
Columella Structure styliform
Columella Width thick
Wall Structure septothecal
Wall Characteristics thick
<---End test---->

Holotype: Lost.


  • Early Late Pliocene: Pinecrest Sandstone, Florida.
  • Late Late Pliocene: Clino core (BDP), Bahamas; Old Pera Beds, Jamaica.
  • Plio-Pleistocene: Lomas del Mar, Costa Rica; Portete & Empalme trends, Costa Rica.
  • Early Pleistocene: Manchioneal Formation, Jamaica.
  • Middle to Late Pleistocene: Unda core (BDP), Bahamas.
  • Late Pleistocene: San Andrés; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  • Recent: Caribbean and Brazil. жаза╨╧рб▒с;■  рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0░Ш▄$ H l Р┤╪ № D hМ                                C:\WINWORD\TEMPLATE\NORMAL.DOT ann budd ann budd@Ж╢╩SummaryInformation(            :р                                    ╢╗@@Ж╢╩╢╗@Microsoft Word 6.02╨╧рб▒с;■                                                                                                                                  ▄еe=└ e▌ A▌ pppppppкккккк ┤кТ1────────FHHH,ttt├T*Тp─────Т─pp──────p─p─FДТpppp─F─В─ Description of the species S. intersepta

    Stephanocoenia intersepta (Lamarck, 1816).

    To return to genus description click on image.

    CC species number = 2

    Photograph: (Foster, 1987. pl.1, fig.1) Scale bar is 1 mm. Image is SUI 51065 (Locality near Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Recent)

    Synonyms: Stephanocoenia michelini Milne Edwards and Haime of Geister, 1975, and of Wells and Lang (1973).

    Morphologic Description:

    Colony Form: subcerioid
    Colony Shape: massive
    Budding Type: extramural
    Corallite Diameter: greater than 2.0 mm (*)
    Calice Relief: shallow (*)
    Calice Shape: mostly circular (*)
    Calice Platform Shape: v-shaped (*)
    Coenosteum Width: 0.8 mm (*)
    Septa Per Corallite: 24
    Lobes: prominent pali (*)
    Columella Structure: styliform
    Columella Width: thick
    Wall Structure: septothecal
    Wall Characteristics: thick
    <----table test----->
    Morphologic Description
    Character State
    Colony Form subcerioid
    Colony Shape massive
    Budding Type extramural
    Corallite Diameter greater than 2.0 mm(*)
    Calice Relief shallow(*)
    Calice Shape mostly circular(*)
    Calice Platform Shape v-shaped(*)
    Coenosteum Width 0.8 mm(*)
    Septa Per Corallite 24
    Lobes prominent pali(*)
    Columella Structure styliform
    Columella Width thick
    Wall Structure septothecal
    Wall Characteristics thick
    <---End test---->

    Holotype: Lost.


  • Early Late Pliocene: Pinecrest Sandstone, Florida.
  • Late Late Pliocene: Clino core (BDP), Bahamas; Old Pera Beds, Jamaica.
  • Plio-Pleistocene: Lomas del Mar, Costa Rica; Portete & Empalme trends, Costa Rica.
  • Early Pleistocene: Manchioneal Formation, Jamaica.
  • Middle to Late Pleistocene: Unda core (BDP), Bahamas.
  • Late Pleistocene: San Andrés; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  • Recent: Caribbean and Brazil. жаза▌ х ■u?HГТЬг╥0╕6789Сзо╢╜╞=_}~Ч░▒╦ст№  6 [ \ w Р С л ╠ ═ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■-═ Ё ) A B c t u И и й ╩ т у   1 K L n В Л Х з и й ├ ═ ╒ ▌ ■■■■■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы■Р$ы K @ё  Normal ]a c"A@Є б"Default Paragraph Font▌ ▌           )▌ х ═ ▌  Вann budd7E:\NMITA\HTML.DOC\DATABASE\CORALS\SYSTEMAT\TABLETST.HTMann budd5E:\NMITA\HTML.DOC\DATABASE\CORALS\SYSTEMAT\TABLE2.HTM @HP LaserJet 4P/4MP PostScriptLPT1:HPWINPSHP LaserJet 4P/4MP PostScript VD╝[ъ odX■            R┬ZZc■■eHP LaserJet 4P/4MP PostScript VD╝[ъ odX■            R┬ZZc■■eАжжААжВ1РTimes New Roman РSymbol &РArial"МV ╨h*L f*L fГ\*ann buddann budd╨╧рб▒с;■  ■